USS Cygnus

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The Best Toys

Posted on 29 Mar 2024 @ 1:58pm by Lieutenant Commander Stovek

Mission: Enigma Variations
Location: Independent Freighter Bixilfiz
Timeline: Two hours after The Boarding Part I

From a strictly Operational standpoint, the independent freighter Bixilfiz should not be able to depart a shipyard under its own power much less achieve faster-than-light velocities. And yet here it was in all its glory…a haphazardly cobbled together disaster that defied conventional logic. Finding out what made this enigma tick was going to be an exhilarating experience for Lieutenant Commander Stovek. So many disparate technologies working in concert with one another was nothing short of amazing.

The Cygnus had rendezvoused with the freighter two hours ago; security teams had scoured the vessel, and the XO had led a team to obtain full scans of the damaged sections by means of the Mark VIII sensor drones. Having processed and collated that data for the Engineering and Science Divisions Stovek was now doing a walkthrough of the freighter’s propulsion module, courtesy of that vessel’s Chief Engineer Zaxx. Despite his proclivity for excessive irrelevant details, the Bolian Engineer was a wealth of knowledge regarding the freighter’s systems. The conversation between the two was rapid-fire and far too technical for most.

“Your vessel would never pass a Federation Cargo Authority safety review,” commented Stovek, his back to the willowy Bolian and his eyes glued to the screen of his tricorder. “Your plasma injectors…”

“…are tougher than they look,” finished Zaxx. “And believe it or not, they exceed Starfleet specifications in magnetic constrictor adaptability.”

“That is…unexpected. Our Chief Engineer would be interested in the schematics. If what you say is accurate, such components could increase the Cygnus’s plasma flow efficiency in upwards of seven percent.”

“Ours is a proprietary design, one of a kind. I doubt they would be of much use to your vessel. “

“Still, a compatible injector based upon your design would be advantageous. I will attempt to convince my captain to negotiate for the design specifications.”

“Fair enough,” commented the Bolian.

The two continued to walk, the pale yellow illumination from the powered-down warp core casting grim shadows throughout the engineering module. The freighter was still on emergency power, so lighting in some areas was not a high priority. As they walked over the antimatter storage pods secured in a housing under the deck plating, the tricorder let out a series of beeps.

“Mister Zaxx,” began the Vulcan. “There is a scattering field in effect locally. And power has been routed from other systems to augment the field.”

“So? We carry cargo for a variety of clients. Scattering or dampening fields are one way that we can ensure that their privacy is protected.”

“Or, perhaps, a way that you keep from arousing suspicion while being scanned. Only a localized scan such as that from a tricorder would register a small low-power generator such as this.. A starship’s sensors are not precise enough.”

“Using a scattering field is not illegal,” retorted Zaxx.

“Federation Commerce Authority regulations Chapter eight, section fifteen, paragraph two, codicil six: Any commercial vessel operating within Federation space that receives aid from a Starfleet vessel must submit to a full safety evaluation, including scanning of all areas for illicit or contraband cargo.”

“That’s a stretch,” said the Bolian, somewhat nervously. “We are barely inside of Federation space.”

Barely still counts.” The Vulcan closed his tricorder and placed the scanning device into its holster on his belt. “I must insist that you deactivate the damping field.”

“Stovek, surely we can…”

Now please, mister Zaxx.”

“No. We have the right to free passage through Federation space. The government on Coriana sees to that.”

=/\= Security to the engine room =/\= said Stovek calmly after a tap to his communicator badge. “There is no need to escalate this any further. Simply disengage the scattering field. Failure to comply will result in the seizure of this vessel.”

“We are screwed either way,” said Zaxx. “We can’t run, and your vessel clearly has us outgunned. And when you find it, we are all going to prison.”

“Find what?”

“See for yourself. Computer, deactivate scattering field.”

There was a brief feeling of electricity in the air as the scattering field disengaged. Several hidden compartments in the floor registered on the tricorder, containing only gods know what. A very faint electromagnetic signature caught the Vulcan’s attention; there was a tiny, almost imperceptible container attached to the outside of one of the antimatter containment pods. Stovek could hardly believe the results of his scan, so he ran them again. He moved the tricorder closer to the cylinder, hoping that some form of interference was distorting his scan results.

It wasn’t.

=/\= Stovek to Cygnus. We have discovered a quantity of isolinium aboard the freighter. Repeat, there is isolinium on the freighter. =/\=


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