U.S.S. Cygnus

View Award - Citation of Valour

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Citation of Valour

The crew member has provided additional work for the ship, and crew, this may be graphics, the maintenance of a web page, or just text, (be that text for a web page or the selection of newsletters dedicated to the U.S.S. Cygnus, or other relevant areas).

Category: Both
Awarded: 3 times

Lieutenant Commander Temerant Bast
06 May 2024 @ 6:31pm
Lieutenant Commander Temerant Bast took it upon himself to take part in the 2024 "Captain's Challenge" by providing a solo post that contributed, with great detail, to the mission at hand. This encouraged activity, gave the readers a stronger sense of the mission and a better understanding of the mission. He further went above and beyond by creating two solo posts during the Captain's Challenge. For his service and his passion, Lieutenant Commander Temerant Bast is hereby awarded the Citation of Valour.
Lieutenant Commander Stovek
06 May 2024 @ 6:31pm
Lieutenant Commander Stovek took it upon himself to take part in the 2024 "Captain's Challenge" by providing a solo post that contributed, with great detail, to the mission at hand. This encouraged activity, gave the readers a stronger sense of the mission and a better understanding of the mission. For his service and his passion, Lieutenant Commander Stovek is hereby awarded the Citation of Valour.
Lieutenant JG Delenna Morak
06 May 2024 @ 6:31pm
Lieutenant JG Delenna Morak took it upon herself to take part in the 2024 "Captain's Challenge" by providing a solo post that contributed, with great detail, to the mission at hand. This encouraged activity, gave the readers a stronger sense of the mission and a better understanding of the mission. For her service and his passion, Lieutenant JG Delenna Morak is hereby awarded the Citation of Valour.