U.S.S. Cygnus

View Award - Honour of Excellence

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Honour of Excellence

The recipient awarded this medal consistently post with a high standard. Where the content is descriptive, imaginative, and enjoyable to read. Length is not an essential feature, but content is.

Category: Both
Awarded: 1 time

Lieutenant Commander Temerant Bast
19 Jun 2024 @ 1:41pm
Lieutenant Commander Bast has continually shown outstanding devotion to his writing craft and continually explores the boundaries of his imagination while simultaneously and consistently reaches stretch goals for himself and the USS Cygnus. Where his posts and his writing are of exceptional quality and of great entertainment, Lieutenant Commander Bast also strives to bring up his fellow writers and crewmates. Lieutenant Commander Bast's exceptional service is in keeping with the highest standards of Starfleet and reflects great credit upon himself, the USS Cygnus, Starfleet and the Federation.