U.S.S. Cygnus


  • 19 Mission Posts

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03 Jul 2024 @ 4:25pm

Lieutenant JG Kin'Fuji Hartley

Name Kin'Fuji Hartley MD

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Cait'sune (subspecies of Caitian)
Age 29

Personality & Traits

Physical Appearance

Height 5 foot 5 inches
Weight 128 pounds
Hair Color Dark Blue (Fur: Lighter Blue with White)
Eye Color Crystal Blue


Spouse Christina Hartley
Children K'tress
Father Fent Zu
Mother M'Kress

Personal History Kin'Fuji was born on Earth in the city of Tokyo. Her mother is a Nurse that works in one of the local hospitals, but her father works on the Starfleet Atlantis project. So she grew up in a beautiful and rich culture of the Japanese.

When she was thirteen, Kin'Fuji met another student at a school trip to Starfleet Academy. She stopped while after the tour to speak with him, and felt a connection with him. She sent her friends on their way, before speaking with the boy. They struck up a fast friendship

By the time Christina and Kin'Fuji was fifteen, the realized they where in love with each other. With the help of their parents, they decided to freeze Chris' sperm so they could have kids one day, with the aid of Kin'Fuji's mother, just before Christina started her transition. This was also when she started to take some of the basic college courses to become a Doctor. He mother had already taught her how to manage personal, as she was the Head Nurse of a local hospital.

When they turned seventeen, Christina proposed to Kin'Fuji and Christina had started gender reassignment surgery, including a womb transplant, and was a full woman from that point. Kin'Fuji helped her during the recovery, and finally, they both applied for Starfleet Academy which they both where accepted. They married the day before they reported to the Academy. Upon graduation from High School, they were given special dispensation to life together, as they were married, from the Academy.

They both worked hard at the Academy, and they where sent to the USS Terra Venture as their first posting, after graduating the Academy. Everything went well with them for that posting. They decided that they would take a vacation back on Earth. It was here that they decided the time was right to have a child. Kin'Fuji had gotten pregnant, so they requested a change of posting. They where hopeful to something closer to their parents. They where assigned to the USS Calgary. Their daughter K'tress was born on this ship. In time they got orders to transfer to the USS Cygnus.
Service Record Starfleet Academy 2388 – 2392
USS Terra Venture 2392 - 2395
USS Calgary 2395 – 2399
USS Cygnus 2399 – 23XX