U.S.S. Cygnus


General Items
Main Bridge   Welcome to the Bridge of the USS Cygnus
Observation Lounge   The Observation Lounge is a place for the Senior Officers to meet and discuss immediate mission concerns, or to host foreign officials concerning mission parameters.
VIP Lounge   The VIP serves as a meeting place away from the crew of the USS Cygnus to discuss mission-related topics or a place of respite and relaxation.
Banquet Hall   The Banquet Hall for receptions for dignitaries and VIP's that board the Cygnus
Officer's Mess   A lounge specifically for officers holding the rank of Lieutenant or above (including all department heads).
Ten Forward   The central hub for all members of the crew to gather, relax and enjoy each others company.
Upper Enlisted Lounge   Upper Enlisted and Junior Officer Lounge.
Lower Decks Lounge   A relaxed venue on the Cygnus reserved for junior officers and enlisted crewmembers to relax and rest.
Lower Decks General Mess   One of two general mess facilities for enlisted crewmembers on the USS Cygnus
Lower Decks Auxiliary General Mess   One of two general mess facilities for enlisted crewmembers on the USS Cygnus
Fat Alice's Place   Fat Alice's Place. The less said, the better.
Science Lab 3   One of the many dedicated science labs aboard the USS Cygnus.
Crew Quarters   Standard crew quarters for the personnel living aboard the USS Cygnus.
Crew Corridors   Corridors of the USS Cygnus, the conduits for the crew of the vessel to get to where they are going.
Engineering   Main Engineering