Crew Awards
Act of Distinction Medal The recipient of this medal has continually posted a great deal through the course of the mission, contributing to the story at every turn. |
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Act of Kindness Medal The recipient of this honor has continuously helped with the flow of the plot when splits and inconsistencies have occurred, or has created a sub-plot outside of the main storyline to keep people writing, together with making new officers and crew feel welcome on their arrival. |
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Citation of Valour The crew member has provided additional work for the ship, and crew, this may be graphics, the maintenance of a web page, or just text, (be that text for a web page or the selection of newsletters dedicated to the U.S.S. Cygnus, or other relevant areas). |
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Cross of Distinction The recipient of this honour has worked the plot along, showing a more real side to their character, by giving insight to the rest of the crew to his/her feelings, motivations and beliefs. |
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Decoration of Gallantry The recipient of this medal continually provides good and interesting opportunities for other posters to become involved in the plot and their character. |
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Honour of Excellence The recipient awarded this medal consistently post with a high standard. Where the content is descriptive, imaginative, and enjoyable to read. Length is not an essential feature, but content is. |
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Legion of Honour The recipient has been imaginative and inventive over a number of missions, (or posts, if the opportunity has been provided) in solving problems encountered by the crew. |
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McCoy Cluster The recipient of this medal has shown continuous effort or improvement through the course of several missions and (but not or) shoreleaves. |
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Medal of Honour The recipient of this medal has worked the plot along well on the Cygnus continually, neither moving it along too fast or neglecting to add to the flow of the mission. |
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Captain's Distinguished Service Order This commendation is restricted. Only the Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Cygnus may award this commendation medal to the crew. This award is designed specifically as a special achievement award for personnel the Commanding Officer identifies as deserving of special recognition where a promotion would be inappropriate for what ever reason, but some form recognition is deserved. Personnel should have performed (or should still be performing) outstanding service to the Cygnus as a whole. |
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Starfleet Star Highest honour available on the U.S.S. Cygnus. Presented to individuals who have contributed (at a high standard) to both posting on the ship (which should be a contribution of both the Honour of Excellence and Act of Distinction), and providing additional work for the ship (such as graphics, text for use by the ship CO, without being asked). In the case of Commanding Officers, this award is presented for outstanding work and dedication to the game, with regards to assistance provided, ideas and contributions of time to the maintenance and upkeep of the game. |
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Outstanding Crewman of the Year The Outstanding Crewman of the Year Award is given to the player that has done the most for the Cygnus, both in character and out of character. This includes, but is not limited to, high levels of posting (in quality or in quantity), additional work for the Cygnus outside of the gameplay, and general activity level. This award is given out on the last day of the year every year. |
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Dramatis Personae Award Awarded to the character that has shown outstanding achievement in character development and/or interaction with other crewmembers, adding rich and deep understanding of the character and their motivations and outlook. |
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Everyone's A Comedian Awarded at the end of a mission or shoreleave for the funniest moment in a post during the mission or shoreleave. |
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Benny Russell Award The Benny Russell Award is given at the end of each mission (not shoreleave) to the crewmember for outstanding world-building, allowing others to have a complete picture of events, from the monumental to the nuanced. This crewmember has achieved, at high success, the quality of posting and writing. |
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Thrown For a Loop Award The Thrown For a Loop Award is granted to the author that introduces an unexpected or difficult-to-deal-with plot element unforeseen by the originator(s) of the mission. This plot twist is either dramatic, humorous, horrific or intriguing to the crew of the Cygnus, and adds a great deal of quality and quantity to the posts submitted. |
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Quarterly Solo Post Award This award is given each March, June, September and December for the player that has submitted the most solo posts in a quarter. |
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Recruiters Award This award is given for recruiting a new person and player to the USS Cygnus. The award is given upon the first successful solo post of the new player to the person that recruited them. |
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Quarterly Joint Post Award This award is given each March, June, September and December for the player that has submitted the most joint posts in a quarter. |
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Provocare Victorem Award The Provocare Victorem Award is given to the crewmember that wins the semi-regular Post Challenge Events hosted aboard the U.S.S. Cygnus. This award goes only to one crewmember per challenge, and signifies great achievement, meritorious writing and deft skill in their individual craft. |
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Longevity Award - One Year Given on the first anniversary of the players joining the USS Cygnus. |
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Longevity Award - Five Years Given on the fifth anniversary of the player joining the USS Cygnus. |
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Longevity Award - Ten Years Given on the tenth anniversary of the player joining the USS Cygnus. |
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Longevity Award - Twenty Years Given on the twentieth anniversary of the player joining the USS Cygnus. |
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